Snake Problem
现给出这些蛇头和尾所在的坐标点,求出这n+m条蛇在此时共有多少个交点。在同一个方向移动的 …
more ...在一个平面上,有n+m条蛇,其中n条蛇沿水平方向(y轴方向)移动,m条蛇沿竖直方向(x轴方向)移动。
现给出这些蛇头和尾所在的坐标点,求出这n+m条蛇在此时共有多少个交点。在同一个方向移动的 …
more ...对于一个字符串S,求S的循环的同构字符串S’中字典序最小的一个。
我们举例说明,字符串"abcd"的循环同构字符串有:["abcd", "bcda", "cdab", "dabc"]
题目的目标是 …
more ...There are a lot of interview problem based on the 1D-array, which is the one of the easiest "data structure".
But the problem about that simple data structure might not be that simple. Here is the summary of the problem about 1D-array.
Of course, most of them come from …
more ...在__为什么转置一个512x512的矩阵,会比513x513的矩阵慢很多?__一文中,作者引用了一个矩阵转置的例子,来讲解由于CPU cache的失效而带来的性能损失。
上面的文章对问题的解释与讨论都 …
more ...Simple and easy, solved by two lines of python code.
ls = filter(lambda y: y, map(lambda x: x.strip(), raw_input()[1:-1].split(",")))
print len(set(ls))
Brute force. Just enumerate the beginning and the end of the substring, and …
more ...This problem is from the book "Algorithm 4th edition" (Exersise 4.1.10)
There are N cities and M undirected roads between those cities. People can travel to any city along the roads.
One day, a war breaks out. Our cities are under attack! As we can't defend all …
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