The wisdom of STUP protocol is all about the window size. The throughput of a TCP communication is limited by two windows: the congestion window and the receive window. The congestion window can determine how many bytes that can be send a simple piece of time …
more ...STUP pretend itself as a protocol at the Transmission Layer, but actually it's absolutely an Application Layer protocol. So before we start, I'd like to recall some knowledge of two important Transmission Layer protocol: TCP & UDP.
It is well known …
more ...STUP is the abbreviation of "Speeded/Secure Tcp-like Udp Protocol", which means that it's another TCP over UDP protocol.
Why TCP over UDP?
TCP is a network protocol for general purpose, and it's one of the most commonly used internet protocol on this planet. It is reliable …
more ...I've writen several workflowy enhance plugins by UserScript. The very first one is show the full content of the note of a bullet. The second one is to show images under the bullet. Then I worked on the background image to make a more colorful workflowy.
Yeah …
more ...最近心血来潮看了看一个比较有名的开源MQTT broker —— Mosca。不读不知道,读完才恍然大悟 —— 这是啥破玩意(哈哈)。
由于我是nodejs的超级初学者 …
more ...看了这么久代码,终于我们要接近phxrpc的核心部分了。
但是出人意料的是,rpc部分并没有过多的概念和magic trick。而且因为ucontext已经被封装好了,所以在rpc里的操作,可以完全按照同步的写法来搞,开 …
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